How to elevate an outfit

Hey lovelies! It’s been quite a while since I’ve last posted. How have you been? I hope everything is going well with all of you. As for today I would like to get back to being a lot more active and share my tips and tricks with you. What will we talk about today? Well let’s start with how to elevate an outfit.

By now we should all be aware by the power of accessorizing, it can basically make or break an outfit, no? If done right you can turn a basic outfit into a pretty cool one. Take this green suit as an example, wouldn’t it look like something would have been missing if I wouldn’t have added any special touches? Since my fine thin hair tends to look flat with no volume, I’ve opted to fix that issue by covering it with a silky scarf which made the suit seem a little more edgy. On top of that I’ve chose to add some sparkle through the embellished shoes and bag. That would have been enough, but the neck area was lacking something, so I’ve went for this pearl necklace that belonged to my grandma and finished off the outfit with a pair of black sunglasses. How do you elevate your outfits?

I’m wearing: Blazer (similar here) | Trousers (similar here) | H&M corset (similar here) | Prada bag (similar here) | Zara shoes (similar here)



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